The patients that Armaveni treats are among the poorest citizens of Armenia, and are mostly children. Due to environment, or even wounds sustained in the military, they all have one thing in common: the deformity of their limbs, whether congenital or traumatic, strips them of an opportunity to have a full life. It is already challenging enough for one to live a life of poverty, and regardless of their economic situation, many often maintain high spirits and optimism. Yet, when one is born with an economic disadvantage, introducing a debilitating physical handicap erases any hope of progress in society and of living a semblance of a rewarding life. There is no denying this sad fact, and many of our patients had come to accept their situation, until they heard of Armaveni Foundation. The glimmer in a child's eyes when they understand that they are finally going to be able to fit in among other children is nothing less than pure, honest joy.